Talking the Talk: Snapshots from Australian Classrooms

Talking the Talk: Snapshots from Australian Classrooms

Edited by Pauline Jones, Alyson Simpson and Anne Thwaite

Cover illustration by Tohby Riddle

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"For educators interested in the power and richness of language, the concept of dialogic teaching seems a wholly natural and obvious way to support learners' capacity to use talk to think, to speculate, to hypothesise, to dream." - Debra Myhill, p.102

Talking the Talk: Snapshots from Australian Classrooms addresses the role of interaction in learning to be literate. Through talk, teachers develop students' conscious knowledge about texts, meanings and literate practice. A strength of this book is that way it combined theoretical chapters on classroom talk as a resource for learning, creating dialogic contexts for learning, and dialogic futures with classroom scenarios as presented by teachers, overlaid by dialogue between teachers and mentors about changing teaching practice and pedagogy — through talk about talk.

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Publication details

Edited by Pauline Jones, Alyson Simpson and Anne Thwaite
Date of Publication
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