Diverse Classroom

Australian classrooms are wonderfully diverse in our composition of students, reflecting an ever-increasing range of cultures, languages, backgrounds, experiences, mental and physical abilities, neurotypes, gender identities and more. As an example, English as a Second Language or Dialect (EAL/D) learners make up nearly 25% of the student population across Australian schools. The resources below provide a good starting point for embracing a diverse classroom, but are by no means exhaustive. We recommend you see our ‘other resources’ post for further reading, references and resources. 


EAL/D: Diving Deeper

Posted on 5/05/2024
This comprehensive EAL/D support resource pack for your professional staff or personal library ensures any EAL/D specialist, or primary educator is prepared and supported in providing the best possible learning outcomes for those students.


Assessing the progress and achievement of EAL/D learners in mainstream classes

Posted on 20/03/2024
This article, taken from An EAL/D Handbook, dives into the specific considerations that should be taken when assessing EAL/D students.


Differentiated teaching: Targeted small group instruction

Posted on 19/03/2024
This insightful webinar explores valuable insights into using formative data for instructional planning and differentiation. Don't miss it!


In Conversation — with Samera Kamaleddine

Posted on 6/06/2023
Join us in conversation with Samera Kamaleddine, author of The Sideways Orbit of Evie Hart, as we make connections between quality books for young people and thoughtful explorations of mental health and wellness.


EAL/D Essentials

Posted on 5/05/2023
This package comprises of two essential books with suggestions on teaching students from various cultural and linguistic backgrounds. An EAL/D handbook by Helen Harper and Susan Feez and Margery Hertzberg’s classic, Teaching English language learners


Culturally diverse classrooms

Posted on 5/05/2023
This selection of texts has been hand chosen by PETAA's literacy team as an ideal compilation for teachers and school leaders who work in a school that has a culturally diverse student body.


Classrooms of Possibility

Posted on 4/11/2021
Classrooms of Possibility, edited by Jennifer Hammond and Jennifer Miller, draws together work from researchers and educators who have focused on the needs and challenges of at-risk English as an Additional Language (EAL) students.


Transforming practice: Transforming lives through diverse children's literature

Posted on 4/11/2021
This critical text by Helen Adam explores the research and evidence-based best instructional practice to assist teachers to select and use literature with children as they implement the Australian Curriculum and Early Years Learning Framework.


An EAL/D Handbook

Posted on 4/11/2021
In this book, edited by Helen Harper and Susan Feez, readers are invited into seven classrooms, where teachers share illustrations of practice designed to enable EAL/D learners to engage with curriculum.


Vygotsky and the Social Nature of Learning: A Brief Introduction

Posted on 10/10/2021
Delve into the key elements of Vygotsky's social nature of learning that most impact on teaching educationally marginalised students.


Video: Two Visiting Scientists Explain Pollination!

Posted on 7/09/2021
In this video, a Foundation-Year 1 teacher invites two students, posing as visiting scientists, to explain to the class how pollinators and plants help each other.


Video: Differentiated Writing

Posted on 7/09/2021
This video is an example of differentiated writing activities in a Foundation-Year 1 setting.


Video: Two Visiting Scientists Explain Pollination!

Posted on 7/09/2021
In this video, a Foundation-Year 1 teacher invites two students, posing as visiting scientists, to explain to the class how pollinators and plants help each other.


Video: Shared Pen: Jointly Constructed Writing - Group 2

Posted on 7/09/2021
In this video, a Foundation-Year 1 teacher is jointly constructing a group writing lesson and this is the second group to contribute to the class text.


Video: Shared Pen: Jointly Constructed Writing - Group 1

Posted on 7/09/2021
In this video, a Foundation-Year 1 teacher is jointly constructing a group writing lesson.