
Comprehension, or ‘meaning making’, is why we learn to read. Good skilled readers are highly active when they read, using a range of comprehension strategies such as making connections to prior knowledge, predicting, visualising, asking and answering questions, inferring, retelling, paraphrasing, summarising, identifying the author's purpose, evaluating, re-reading and reaching conclusions.


Comprehension and text fluency: PETAA Resources Pathway

Posted on 4/12/2023
This series of 4 comprehension and text fluency staff meeting professional learning sessions guides school leaders in supporting teachers to confidently teach comprehension strategies and text fluency.


Teaching language, phonics and play with picture books

Posted on 31/08/2023
Discover the journey of a picture book from creation through to the classroom. We speak with Anna Walker, award-winning author and illustrator, about her CBCA-shortlisted picture book Snap!


Video Resource: Teaching reading comprehension

Posted on 10/01/2022
In this video, receive a concise and quality introduction to reading comprehension.


Connecting Texts, Comprehension and Vocabulary

Posted on 6/09/2021
Explore activities you can implement in your classroom to boost students' vocabulary knowledge.


Cultural Context: Exploring it in the Classroom

Posted on 24/08/2021
Understand what we mean by cultural context in a text and how students can explore the concept.


Article: Metacognitive Strategies and Reading Comprehension

Posted on 24/08/2021
Explore metacognitive teaching approaches and how it can apply to comprehension.


Historical Context: Exploring it in the Classroom

Posted on 24/08/2021
Understand what we mean by historical context in a text and how students can explore the concept.


Social Contexts: Exploring them in the Classroom

Posted on 24/08/2021
Understand what we mean by social context in a text and how students can explore the concept.


Article: Using Readers' Theatre Texts to Improve Comprehension

Posted on 24/08/2021
Investigate how Readers' Theatre texts can be used to improve comprehension.